There are hundreds of tutorials and guides that claim to help you set up a LEMP stack. Most of them are dragged out and become confusing quickly. Here is my attempt to give you that “1 liner” you are looking for. This should install everything you need to get started with a LEMP stack. This “1 liner” is designed to be used on a debain / ubuntu based system. If you have a RHEL based distro you should be able to replace apt
with dnf
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install nginx mysql-server redis-server certbot python3-certbot-nginx php php-fpm php-common php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-curl php-gd php-imagick php-cli php-dev php-imap php-mbstring php-opcache php-redis php-soap php-zip -y
The above will install the following packages
- NGINX – Web Server
- MySQL – Database Server
- Redis – Database Caching
- Certbot – Free SSL Certs!
- PHP ( & a bunch of command packages)
From here you should be able to start securing and configuring your LEMP to your needs.